Visit to the Historic 19th Century Christ Church Warleigh
Christ Church Warleigh, is a tiny church perched on a hill above the Castlereagh Reservoir, a short drive from Camellia Hills. The Anglican church was built in 1878 by British planters (for British planters), and its stone exterior exhibits a typical, colonial style church. The well-preserved interiors are cosy, with worn timber pews, and a trio of 19th century-stained glass windows are beautifully positioned above a carved wooden altar. Along with an ancient pipe organ that is still in working condition, the church’s most prized possession is their 140-year-old Bible that is still intact.
The church is set within a lush garden beneath towering cypress trees, and its graveyard offers an interesting insight into the history of the country. Many of the tombstones you see bear names more in keeping with an English or Scottish graveyard, than one in Sri Lanka. Whole families perished here in Ceylon, in their adopted homeland, and many gravestones are of tiny children, some just a few days old. The church still conducts English services at 8:00am on every first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. If you’d like to attend, please inquire with a butler.